Nanotechnology is now one of the most of the popular type is technology and in future it will change the world.So,it is necessary to understand what is Nanotechnology. Let's begin.
What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is science, engineering and technology that conducted at a nanoscale or very-very small scale about 1-100 nanometres.The father of nanotechnology is Physicist Richard Feynman.
Why Nanotechnology?
The importance of nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is so important because it could have the potential to solve many of humanity's problems.
If developed responsibly, nanotechnology could solve problems in the poorest countries of the world as important as diseases, hunger, lack of drinking water and lack of houses.
If developed in a non-responsible way, nanotechnology could be very dangerous, allowing the manufacture of very small weapons with an unimaginable force of destruction.
Some experts believe that its impact on our life will be as important as in its day was the impact of medicine or the impact of computers.
If developed in a non-responsible way, nanotechnology could be very dangerous, allowing the manufacture of very small weapons with an unimaginable force of destruction.
Some experts believe that its impact on our life will be as important as in its day was the impact of medicine or the impact of computers.
With the help of nanotechnology, the following benefits can be achieved:
- Manufacture new materials such as clothing that changes color , new adhesives , new self-cleaning construction materials, robots with the ability to "see" and "feel" ....
- New information technologies, such as quantum computing and microchips capable of storing trillions of bytes of information in a device as small as the tip of a pin
- Medical advances, including the administration of medicines and the detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer. With nanotechnology it will be possible to build small "blood vessels" that transport medicines directly to the tumor of a cancer to destroy it
- Benefits for the environment such as water purification, systems to control pollution, new sources of sustainable and clean energy, etc.
Ability to cure many diseases:-
This have ability to cure diseases such as cancer. This ability make it more important as compared to other technologies.If this technology came in future many lives can be saved but today many researchers work on it.They want a nano-particle which is very-very small in size(the size of blood cell).
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